Celebrating on the Sea

Next week, on December 1st, we’ll leave Europe by taking a ferry across the Mediterranean Sea to Tangier, Morocco. From there we’ll be heading towards Rabat, Morocco’s capital, in order to get visas for upcoming countries like Mauritania and Mali.

We’ll celebrate Domi’s birthday (December 2nd) while we’re on the ship, reaching Morocco on Monday, December 3rd. The ferry boat which will be carrying Herbie, the camper and us is operated by an Italian company called “Grandi Navi Veloci”.

The Carnet de Passages en Douane

The so-called “Carnet de Passages en Douane” (CPD) or simply “Carnet” allows travelers to temporarily import their motor vehicles and trailers without having to leave a cash deposit at the border. It is an international guarantee for payment of customs expenses to a government should the vehicle not be re-exported from that country.

We just got it issued by the Austrian Automobile Association named ÖAMTC. We need that, as we’ll be touring to Africa. It is in general strictly required for countries in Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East. Therefore we also had it when we started Herbie’s World Tour in 2009. The “Carnet” is valid for not more than one year.

Last DLV Photo Shoot 2012

Recently some folks and their VWs from our club “DLV – Aircooled Community” had a photo shoot at a shopping mall parking garage in Vienna. Christian, Georgy, Benjamin, Flo, Aly and Domi showed up and took some pictures. Afterwards we all gathered at Friedrich’s shop in Vienna’s second district (see final image).

Herbie’s Supporters

At this point we want to say thank you to all supporters of Herbie’s World Tour! We would particularly like to thank the following people for their valuable contribution:

Our longtime friend and master mechanic Friedrich Hübsch from Vienna.

“Mick” from Mick Motors Australia, who we have met on our tour around the world.

And all the friends from our club “DLV – Aircooled Community”.

Across the Mediterranean Sea

As you can see on the map below, we discovered another way to get to Africa. Therefore we’re planning to drive to Genoa, Italy, in order to take a ship to Morocco.

In Austria it was getting quite chilly within the last weeks. About a week ago we already had the first snowfall. So, hopefully we’ll be leaving our home country this month.